Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Laptop Terbakar, HP Tarik Ribuan Baterai Bermasalah

Achmad Rouzni Noor II - detikinet

Laptop Terbakar (ist)
Jakarta - Produsen komputer Hewlett-Packard (HP) kembali menarik peredaran ribuan baterai di laptop HP dan Compaq miliknya setelah mendapat laporan bahwa belasan orang terluka bakar akibat ledakan pada baterai laptop tersebut.

Kali ini, ada 54 ribu unit baterai lithium-ion yang ditarik dari peredaran. Sebelumnya, HP juga telah menarik 70 ribu baterai untuk seri yang sama. Demikian detikINET kutip dari AP, Minggu (23/5/2010).

Seruan untuk menarik ribuan baterai laptop yang terbakar itu diperintahkan oleh Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) di AS. Menurut juru bicara CPSC, Scott Wolfson, ada 38 laporan yang mengemukakan kasus ini.

"Sedikitnya ada sebelas orang yang mendapat luka ringan akibat terbakarnya baterai tersebut," kata dia. Baterai laptop HP dilaporkan terbakar bila dicharge terlalu lama. Menurut Wolfson, industri harus segera mengambil tindakan untuk memperbaiki masalah ini.

HP sendiri berkilah, permasalahan pada baterai hanya menimpa produk-produk HP yang dipasarkan selama rentang Agustus 2007 hingga Juli 2008. Baterai laptop bermasalah ini, klaim HP, dijual terpisah dari laptop yang diproduksinya.

( rou / eno )

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Newcastle University Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students

The following awards, which are offered by the University, are open to prospective international undergraduate students commencing their studies in September 2010:

International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships (IUMS)

IUMS is intended for international students who study for their first degree at Newcastle University. All applicants are considered, based on the information given on their UCAS application form. This partial scholarship has a value of £2,250 for the first year of study.


International students must have:

  • applied through UCAS and been offered a place to study on one of our degree programmes for 2010/11 entry
  • been assessed as overseas for fees purposes
  • already achieved or will achieve an agreed level of academic performance in their pre-university qualifications
  • already accepted or will accept Newcastle University as their first choice university

If you have any queries regarding this award, please contact Student Financial Support on:
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 5538
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6103

or complete the Enquire Form: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/enquiries/

International Baccalaureate Scholarship (IB Scholarship)

The IB Scholarship is for international students who study for their first degree at Newcastle University. The value of this scholarship is £3,000 for the first year of study only. There are ten IB Scholarships available.


International students must have:

  • applied through UCAS and been offered a place to study on one of our degree programmes for 2010/11 entry
  • been assessed as overseas for fees purposes
  • already achieved or will achieve three points above the score stated in their offer letter by the University
  • already accepted or will accept Newcastle University as their first choice university

For full information on this scholarship please contact Wendy Ridley (International Office) on: wendy.ridley@ncl.ac.uk or telephone +44 (0) 191 222 7637.

The Napolitano Student Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarship is to promote Anglo-American Relations. It is offered to one student currently studying in the United States, who wishes to undertake any of the University’s four study abroad strands including Pre-Medical, Arts and Social Sciences, Agriculture and Engineering and Business and Finance.

The scholarship is offered for one year and worth £3,000.

Scholarship winners will be invited to attend the University’s Annual Donor Scholarship Event in June.

How to apply

Please complete the application form (Word doc: 66KB) electronically and in accordance with The Napolitano Student Scholarship regulations, which are provided at the end of the application form. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, 11 June 2010.

Completed forms should be sent via e-mail, fax or post to:

Student Wellbeing
Financial Support
Newcastle University
King’s Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3760
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6103
E-mail: m.p.pinder@ncl.ac.uk

The US Friends Student Scholarship

The US friends scholarship is offered, through competitive application, to up to 3 US students undertaking any of the University’s four Study Abroad strands, these include: Pre-medical; Arts and social Sciences; Agriculture and Engineering; Business and finance.

The Scholarship is offered for one year and is worth $2000

Scholarship winners will be invited to attend the University’s Annual Donor Scholarship Event in June 2011.

How to apply:

Please complete the application form electronically and in accordance with The US Friends Scholarship regulations, which are provided at the end of the application form. The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday, 11 June 2010.

Completed forms should be sent via e-mail, fax or post to:

Student Wellbeing
Financial Support
Newcastle University
King’s Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 3760
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6103
E-mail: m.p.pinder@ncl.ac.uk

International Family Discounts (IFD)

IFD is for international students intending to study on any one of our many programmes with a close family member (husband, wife, brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter) who has already graduated from or is currently studying at Newcastle University. Where two family members are intending to start their studies in 2009, one will be able to apply for an IFD. The value of these awards is 10% of the tuition fees for each year of the degree programme.

How to apply

Please complete the application form electronically and in accordance with the IFD regulations, which are provided at the end of the application form.

Completed forms should be sent via e-mail, fax or post to:

Student Wellbeing
Financial Support
Newcastle University
King’s Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 222 5537
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6103
E-mail: v.j.coombes@ncl.ac.uk



Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Frekuensi Global TV 11 Mei 2010

Tanggal 11 Mei 2010 Global TV menghilang dari pesawat TV di rumah. Anak-anak kebingungan karena channel TV tersebut merupakan favorit mereka. Siaran TV tersebut malah diisi dengan iklan dari Lejel TV. Iklan semua isinya.
Pusing juga nyari info nggak ketemu-ketemu.
Untung pagi ini bisa dapat info dari internet. Memang Mbah Google sakti tenan.
Setelah browsing ketemu juga, catet ya.
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